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Welcome to R.Y ENTREPRENEURSHIP & TRADE, where we specialize in providing a wide range of imported electronic components to suit your needs.


We offer both regular and hard-to-find components, so whether you're a hobbyist or a professional in the electronics industry, we've got you covered.


Our products are sourced from trusted manufacturers around the world, ensuring that we offer high-quality components at competitive prices. We pride ourselves on our extensive inventory, which includes everything from capacitors and resistors to microcontrollers and sensors.

No matter what type of electronic component you're looking for, we're confident that we have what you need.

Plus, with our fast shipping and excellent customer service, you can rest assured that you'll receive your order quickly and with no hassle. Shop with us today and discover the convenience of finding all your electronic component needs in one place!


  1. Competitive prices

  2. Wide range of imported electronic components

  3. Knowledgeable and experienced staff available to answer any technical questions or concerns

  4. High-quality products sourced from trusted manufacturers worldwide

  5. Extensive inventory of regular and hard-to-find components

  6. Fast shipping

  7. Excellent customer service

  8. Convenient one-stop-shop for all electronic component needs.

We strive to provide the best customer experience possible and to be a trusted source for all electronic component needs.


R.Y Entrepreneurship and Trade

Ha'Shaked 27, Naharia


Tel: +972-52-788-8703


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@ Copyright 2023  R.Y Entrepreneurship & Trade

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